As with the Sole Fillet, this fish recipe is quick and easy and healthy for a fast meal.
1lbfish filletsnapper, sea bass, sole, flounder
2tbspSalute Santé! Lemon Grapeseed Oil
1/4cupwhite wine or broth for cooking
salt & pepper to taste
Heat the Salute Santé! Lemon Grapeseed Oil in a sauté pan over medium heat.
Place the fish in the heated oil. Sauté for 1-3 minutes per side based on the thickness of fish.
Remove the fish and cover with foil for 5 minutes.
Heat the pan again and deglaze with a splash of wine or broth.
Add the capers to the pan.
Season fish with salt and pepper.
Pour the sauce over the fish and serve on preheated plates.
You can use both the wine and the broth in this recipe. We like to deglaze the pan with the wine and then add the broth to make more of a sauce for the fish.