From 100% Upcycled grape seeds.
We have spent the last 30 years educating people about the wonders of grapeseed oil. Now with all the bad pushback on seed oils, we feel we must state the facts.
Seeds are the source of life – a really good thing – and vital for reproduction! It’s what you do with those seeds that makes all the difference in the end product. Mass produced vegetables oils from commercial crop seeds start with genetically modified seeds (GMO) that will not reproduce naturally. They are modified for maximum yield and to be resistant to pests. These “one time use seeds” prohibit farmers from saving seeds after each harvest for future crops, impacting the farmers livelihoods leading to high suicide rates in large farm communities, as in countries like India. These new realities have been well documented since the rise of commercial seed crop use.
Commercial seed crops require lots of land and water for these crops and are heavily sprayed with fertilizers and pesticides made by the same corporations that develop the GMO seeds. Those GMO seeds are then solvent extracted using chemicals and heat, then they refine the oil using more chemicals, so the finished product has lots of questionable value, if any at all. And these commercial mass production processes are bad for the people who grow the crops and those who make the oil, bad for the people who eat the oils and bad for the planet that is left with all the toxic residue afterwards.
Our COLD PRESSED grapeseed oil is quite the opposite. We are a 100% UPCYCLED product – no seeds are planted! And we are from a fruit – the grape – our botanical source, which makes us a fruit oil like olive and avocado, except our oil is 100% UPCYCLED from winery pomace (seeds, skins and stems), an existing resource, and is ZERO WASTE. Grape vines are vigorous plants, coming back every season, year after year, producing a bounty of grapes that are pressed for wine. We then utilize the winery by-product, pomace, to source the grape seeds.
We developed our Proprietary Technology to COLD PRESS grape seeds back in the early 2000’s and began pressing in Napa, CA in 2010. Shortly thereafter we implemented this cold pressing technology at our European factories. Our UPCYCLED seeds are COLD PRESSED and then gently physically refined using steam and natural clay to clarify the oil resulting in the delicious & heart healthy oil you know and love. Compared to other fruit oils like olive oil and avocado oil, our cold pressed grape seed oil is lowest in saturated fat and highest in essential linoleic acid1 which is key to a heart healthy diet.

Studies2,3 have shown our oil can effectively reduce the incidence of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and impotency by raising HDL (the good cholesterol) and lowering the LDL (the bad cholesterol) and triglycerides.
These facts show the big difference between a responsible food manufacturer with the public health and well being at the forefront of their goals, and commercial crops grown for quantity, and not quality. We are so proud the best Chefs in the country can choose anything they want, and they chose Salute Santé! The Specialty Food Association, the largest specialty food association in the world, awarded us with the GOLD Sofi, their highest honor for best oil after 30 years of pushing the bar further for quality and health. Oprah said, “Move over olive oil’ and she chose our cold pressed grape seed oil proudly 3 times as Oprah’s Favorite and we hope you will too!
We are very proud to share these facts and our accomplishments with you, our most valuable customers, and as we all know, good health is priceless!
[1] FOOD & FUNCTION Erythrocyte linoleic acid, but not oleic acid, is associated with improvements in body composition in men and women. Martha Belury, Program of Human Nutrition, Department of Human Sciences, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
[2] Journal of the American College of Cardiology 318A ABSTRACTS 925-116
Grapeseed Oil, A Natural Agent Which Raises Serum HDL Levels.
David T. Nash, State University of New York Health Science Center at Syracuse, NY
[3] Arteriosclerosis: an official journal of the American Heart Association, Inc.
Vol. 1, No.1 (Jan.-Feb. 1981), Vol. 10, No. 6 (Nov.-Dec. 1990)
Grapeseed Oil Increases High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels in Dyslipidemic Subjects with Initially Low Levels.
David T. Nash. State University of New York Health Science Center, Syracuse, NY