An Eco-Friendly Conversation to Celebrate Earth Day

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We had the privilege to take part in the Climate Collaborative’s Climate Day 2019. It was a gathering of the top innovative and sustainable companies around the globe. Companies came forward to share their initiatives, challenges, and commitments to being “Greener” companies. It was nice to be in a room of like-minded companies set on reducing their carbon footprint on a large scale.
There were panel discussions on restorative agriculture, resilient supply chains, ethical ingredient selection, and inspiration for taking action. Companies like Lotus Foods, Organic Valley, Justin’s, Organic India (our favorite Tulsi Sweet Rose Tea maker), and Straus Family Creamery shared their experiences. It reminded us of the conversations we have about our goals of reducing our own environmental impact.
The day ended with prototyping ideas for a sustainable future from innovators at Google and motivation from the founder of Patagonia, Yvon Chouinard. Throughout the day companies shared their commitments to cleaner business practices and actions towards a healthier planet. And so, in honor of Earth Day, we would like to take a moment to share the sustainable practices we do here at Salute Santé!
A Sustainable Method for Sustainable Products
We’re passionate about putting good food in our bodies and keeping our carbon footprint low. That might sound trendy today, but it didn’t when we started making grapeseed oil 25 years ago. We envisioned a product that was symbiotic with nature. We wanted the contents and packaging to be good for humans and good for the Earth.
So, that’s what we did. We created a process that completes the cycle of the grape, making us a zero waste company. We decided long ago to upcycle byproducts of the wine harvest as opposed to farming any land of our own. Because of this, there is no need for hybrid or genetically engineered crops, nor does it need new farmland, crops, or water. We took what would have otherwise been discarded grape seeds and recycled them into healthy grapeseed oil and flour. And with our commitment to transparency, we became verified Non-GMO by the Non GMO Project and certified GREEN by Green America. Check out our other certifications and quality guarantee.
As a pioneer of grapeseed oil, we are always on the cutting edge of health and flavor developments. So we began cold pressing and gently refining “The Original Grapeseed Oil”. This process gives it the delicious, light, nutty taste it’s known for. Cold pressing uses tremendous pressure to press seed against seed. The process never exposes the oil to temperatures above what the grapes are exposed to in nature. We use this approach because it’s better for both your health and the environment.
Eco-Friendly Packaging That You And The Earth Can Appreciate
We put our grapeseed oil right into 100% ecological packaging. Our sleek steel cans can be completely recycled back into iron ore for reuse. The packaging is just as important as the contents inside and we wanted them to work together. So beyond the container being recyclable, it needed to naturally preserve the oil. That’s why we chose to use a steel can that protects the oil from light and oxygen. The oil lasts longer in the can (a 24-month shelf-life) and is less likely to spoil which means waste averted. It also won’t break the way glass can so it’s much safer.
The can is also lighter than glass. Now, this is good for your pocketbook because it reduces the cost of shipping. But it also reduces fuel emissions for shipping the oil. See, the weight of an item in a vehicle has a direct impact on the vehicle’s efficiency. By reducing the weight of the product, we have essentially done one of two things – increased the ability for a freight truck to carry more items which would reduce trucks on the road. Or, lightened the load of the freight truck, improving its miles per gallon. It’s a win-win!
Hope For A Better Tomorrow
We’re doing our part to change the status quo in sustainable business practices and products. We want our customers to enjoy our grapeseed oils knowing that their choice to use Salute Santé! reduces their own carbon footprint. With more companies focusing on their environmental impact, we can all work toward a better future of sustainable living… because planets don’t grow on trees.
I truly appreciate the earth friendly approach and delicious green product.. grape seed oil has been in my diet for over 20 years and I feel healthy and strong – my blood test always come back in favor of a long healthy life ahead of me.